
Use this tool to for image manipulation and texture generation.

Main slider controls

Basic features: Row of icons

Basic image adjustments

Click the plus and minus buttons next to an adjustment to increase or decrease the effect.


There are five types of effects. Select an effect and then click the icon to the left of the effect to draw it.


Refer to 'globalCompositeOperation' and use the default unless you know how to use this feature.

Other functions

Text tool: links to the Text tool page, where you can generate text in different styles and colors.

grunge: when this is enabled most effects are modified - generally adding more randomness to the result.

Touch or click the canvas to select the left-most point for the "left clip" and "left rip" functions. The red indicator bar above the canvas, shows the area that will be deleted or cleared

How to make a paper-like texture

How to make a background transparent

Assumes you have a picture where you want to remove the sky from the background. This should remove some of the sky's color. If there are darker shades in the sky, reselect the color and repeat the filter. You can also try a lower opacity threshold. Save the image as a PNG file.

If grungy is checked, the background color will only become partially transparent.

How to make a double exposure